In the green heart of the Giardini Margherita (Bologna, Italy), Kilowatt, an innovative SME cooperative, has regenerated an abandoned public place – Le Serre dei Giardini, the former municipal greenhouses – transforming it into a community hub. It lives 7 days a week with social impact projects and cultural activities, a coworking space, a kindergarten, an organic bistro and a series of festivals dealing with breakthrough issues like climate change (Resilienze Festival), migration and diaspora (Spore), gender equality (Serre di un certo genere) always involving art and creativity to tackle them in their complexity.
About the speaker: Nicoletta Tranquillo has a Msc in sustainable development and environmental science at the Lund University (Sweden) and previously a degree in Business Economics at the Bocconi University (Italy). She is co-founder of Kilowatt, where she works to support the development and the empowerment of sustainable and impact oriented businesses.