The University of Timisoara conducted the research in Romania. They surveyed 65 students and recent graduates and 38 practitioners. Organised two focus groups and three in-depth interviews. They also analysed existing job offers and education opportunities in the country.
Main findings
In Romania terms related to urban regeneration or urban innovation are still pretty rare both in academic and urban-creative world. The research showed a general lack of this vision in the collective mindset, which is reflected in lack of university programmes, training and job offers.
The research showed a lack of open job positions addressed to the urban regeneration and innovation area at the national level. The University of Timisoara, which conducted the research nationally, reported that they “expected a relatively small supply, but not an absence entirely”. Nevertheless, interviews and questionnaires results have outlined the key elements – in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes – that should compose the Urban Regenerator job profile. Among them there is creativity, compassion, empathy, sense of mission, social justice, openness to people and environment.
On 10 and 11 March the Romanian Cluster organised two Co-designing Tables: one onsight involving local stakeholders from Timisoara (NGOs, city representatives and local academia); and another one – online engaging architect and city planners, researchers and policy makers from major Romanian cities.